关闭vbs,VBScript Shutdown Simplified Efficiently Close Your Windows in a Few Clicks


VBScript Shutdown Simplified Efficiently Close Your Windows in a Few Clicks

If you are like most people, closing your Windows can be a tedious process. You have to click on the various menus, close windows, and then finally click on the shutdown button. However, VBScript has simplified this process. With VBScript, you can quickly and efficiently close your Windows with just a few clicks. In this article, we will discuss how to use VBScript to shutdown your Windows system efficiently.

What is VBScript?

VBScript stands for Visual Basic Script. It is a scripting language created by Microsoft to help automate Windows operations. VBScript is similar to JavaScript, and it provides a variety of functions to help automate many repetitive tasks on your computer.

How to use VBScript to shutdown your Windows?

To use VBScript to shutdown your Windows, follow the steps below:

Open Notepad or any other text editor

Copy and paste the following VBScript code into Notepad:

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run "shutdown -s"

Save the file with a .vbs file extension, for example, shutdown.vbs

Double-click on the shutdown.vbs file to run the script

Your Windows computer system will now shutdown automatically

How does the VBScript code work?

The VBScript code above creates an object called WshShell and uses it to run a command. The command "shutdown -s" is the command to shutdown your Windows computer system. The -s parameter tells the shutdown command to shut down your computer system.

关闭vbs,VBScript Shutdown Simplified Efficiently Close Your Windows in a Few Clicks

Ways to customize the VBScript shutdown command

There are a variety of ways to customize the VBScript shutdown command to suit your needs:

To restart your Windows computer system, use the -r parameter. The command will be "shutdown -r".

To delay the shutdown of your Windows computer system, use the -t parameter followed by the number of seconds to delay the shutdown. For example, to delay the shutdown by 60 seconds, use the command "shutdown -s -t 60".

To provide a message to users, use the -c parameter followed by your message. For example, to provide a message that the system is about to shutdown, use the command "shutdown -s -t 30 -c 'Shutting down, please close all the programs and documents now.'".


关闭vbs,VBScript Shutdown Simplified Efficiently Close Your Windows in a Few Clicks

VBScript has simplified the process of shutting down your Windows computer system. All you have to do is create a VBScript file with the shutdown command and run it. You can also customize the shutdown command to add options such as delaying the shutdown or adding a message to users. Using VBScript to shut down your Windows system is a simple and efficient way to close your Windows in just a few clicks.

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